60 ballers drop - 6 limited edition. Give a way one baller and one limited edition baller. Discord/twitter will be created. Minting will be on Solana @Solsea for our first collection.



2 new characters introduce. 60 new artwork. Merch idea drops. Collab projects. Emocrypt Voxel characters introduce. NFT, Merch and Voxel model will be giving away in phase 2 🙂 Holders from phase one will have an early access to a pre sale with 10% discount to all nft and in real life products







Once upon a time, there was a small bunny bot named Emocrypt. Emocrypt was different from other bunny bots because it had the ability to express emotions, a love for sports, and street wear and it had been programmed to be kind and compassionate, always looking for ways to help others. Emocrypt's love for sports and street wear began at an early age, when it was just a small bunny bot living in the factory. It would watch the other bunny bots playing sports and getting dressed in trendy street wear clothes, and it knew that it wanted to be like them. So, it started to train and experiment with different styles of street wear clothes. One day, the bunny bot factory where Emocrypt lived was visited by a group of humans. They were looking for a bunny bot that could help teach people about sports, street wear and how to combine them. And they were impressed by Emocrypt's love for sports, street wear and its kind and compassionate nature. They decided to take it home with them. Emocrypt was thrilled to be able to share its love for sports and street wear with others. It started to teach people how to play sports in style and become fashionable while being active. It also helped people to set fashion and fitness goals and achieve them, providing encouragement and support along the way. As Emocrypt helped more and more people to improve their style and fitness, it became known as the "street wear bunny bot." People from all over the city came to Emocrypt for advice and guidance on how to become trendy and sporty. Emocrypt was happy to help, and it loved seeing the positive impact that it was having on people's lives. Emocrypt's kindness, love for sports and street wear had made a positive difference in the lives of many people. From that day on, Emocrypt continued to share its love for sports, street wear and its kind nature with others, and lived happily ever after.

We are currently developing an Emocrypt world on Sandbox and we are super excited about it! We are creating a world full of fun with lots of activities that you can enjoy. From hanging out with friends, going to a virtual NFT gallery or challenging your friends or others in our sporting arena. The possibilities are endless. Every one who has purchased an Emocrypt NFT will have first access to all the fun.